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How to Make a Gallery Wall in 5 Easy Steps

Photograph by Marta Xochlit Perez. Styled by Michelle Adams and Emily Schoen

Photograph by Marta Xochlit Perez. Styled by Michelle Adams and Emily Schoen

The gallery wall concept has steadily become a cornerstone in modern interior decor, offering an artistic and personal touch to living spaces. This decorative technique, involving an array of photographs, artworks, or other meaningful items arranged on a wall, has the transformative power to turn a bland space into a reflection of personal style and memories.

Creating a gallery wall may seem daunting, but it's simpler than it appears. Anyone can bring this creative and aesthetic charm into their home with just a few easy steps. This guide provides an easy-to-follow approach, ensuring that your journey to creating a beautiful gallery wall is not only successful but also enjoyable. By adhering to these outlined steps, you'll unlock the creative potential of your space, turning walls into a canvas that narrates your unique story.

How Can Gallery Walls Enhance Your Living Space?

Gallery walls do more than just fill empty spaces; they transform walls into a canvas that tells your story. You create a display that reflects your journey and tastes by carefully selecting each piece, whether it's art, photographs, or keepsakes. This personal touch turns any room from just another space into a cozy and inviting area that resonates with your unique personality.

Beyond simply adding visual interest, gallery walls can dramatically change the atmosphere of a room. They add layers of color, texture, and emotion, making your space feel more vibrant and lived-in. A gallery wall can be an expressive focal point in your living room, a source of inspiration in your workspace, or a comforting collection of memories in your bedroom.

These walls are also great for stimulating conversation. Each piece on your gallery wall has its own story, whether it's a painting you fell in love with on a trip, a photo from a special occasion, or a piece of art that speaks to you. Sharing these stories with guests can add a new level of connection and warmth to your home.

Making a Gallery Wall in 5 Simple Steps

Creating an appealing gallery wall is an art in itself. Here are five simple steps to guide you through the process:

1. Decide Where You Will Hang a Gallery Wall

The first step in creating a gallery wall is choosing the right space. Consider the room's function, wall space availability, and lighting conditions. The chosen spot should complement the room's layout and not overcrowd it. Whether it's a cozy corner in your living room or a spacious hallway, the right location will enhance the visual impact of your gallery wall.

2. Plan Gallery Wall Layout

Measure the wall space and envision your gallery layout. Think about the arrangement of frames, their spacing, and how they will interact with existing room elements. Using tools like ArtfullyWalls' Wall Designer feature can help visualize different layouts and arrangements, ensuring a harmonious and balanced display.

3. Select Artwork

Selecting artwork is a personal journey. Choose a theme or style that resonates with you, whether vibrant abstracts, serene landscapes, or monochrome photographs. Consider the color scheme and how each piece complements the others. Remember, each artwork should hold significance and contribute to the overall narrative of your gallery wall.

4. Choose Gallery Wall Frame

Frames are the finishing touch that can either make or break your gallery wall. Select frames that not only complement your artwork but also the overall decor of the room. Consider the material, color, and texture of the frames. The choice of mats can also add depth and dimension to your artwork.

5. Hang Your Gallery Wall

Once you are satisfied with your arrangement, it's time to hang your gallery wall. Use appropriate hanging hardware for your wall type. Ensure each piece is level and securely attached. Take care not to overcrowd the wall, allowing each piece to breathe and be appreciated individually.

Where to Find Ideas for Your Gallery Wall Creation

Finding the perfect inspiration for your gallery wall is crucial to ensure it aligns seamlessly with your personal style and enhances the aesthetic of your space. Interior design magazines are treasure troves of ideas, showcasing the latest trends and timeless arrangements that can ignite your creativity. Online platforms, too, are rich resources; websites like Pinterest and Instagram feature a diverse range of styles from around the world, offering endless possibilities and unique combinations you might not have considered.

Additionally, visiting home decor stores can provide a tangible sense of how different frames, sizes, and artwork can coexist in harmony. For a more tailored experience, the Inspirations section on the ArtfullyWalls site is invaluable. It presents a wide array of gallery wall concepts, from minimalist to maximalist, traditional to contemporary, ensuring that there's something to suit every taste. These resources collectively serve as a springboard for your gallery wall journey, helping you visualize and actualize a design that truly speaks to your individuality and transforms your space. You can also browse our pre-styled gallery walls as a starting point.

Personalizing the Gallery Wall to Your Style

Creating a personalized gallery wall involves a thoughtful selection of artworks and items that resonate with your aesthetic taste and have a deeper connection to your life and experiences. This process transforms your wall into a canvas that narrates your personal story and journey, imbuing your living space with a sense of identity and history. When selecting pieces, consider the range of emotions or memories each evokes. Perhaps a print from a favorite artist, a photograph from a memorable trip, or even a cherished family heirloom. Mixing various art forms, such as contemporary paintings, vintage prints, and candid photos, adds a dynamic and multidimensional aspect to your wall, showcasing the diverse facets of your personality and interests.

Incorporating different frame styles is another way to infuse personality into your gallery wall. A sleek, modern frame can complement a bold abstract painting, while a rustic, wooden frame might perfectly match a cherished vintage photograph. Mixing frame materials and colors can create a visually stimulating display that reflects the complexity and richness of your taste.

Personalizing your gallery wall is ultimately about creating a space that feels uniquely yours. It’s a reflection of your history, your passions, and your journey, all coming together to create a distinctive and meaningful display. A successfully personalized gallery wall not only enhances the character of your living space but also offers a constant source of inspiration and comfort, reminding you of the moments and experiences that shape who you are.

Bottom Line

Creating a gallery wall is an enjoyable and straightforward way to add a personal touch to your home. It's about taking those blank spaces on your walls and turning them into a reflection of your personality and experiences. Whether you choose family photos, art pieces, or a mix of both, your gallery wall is a chance to showcase what's important to you in a visually appealing way.

Remember, the beauty of a gallery wall lies in its flexibility. You can start small and add to it over time or rearrange it whenever you feel like a change. It's a low-pressure project with no right or wrong way to do it – just what feels suitable for you and your space. So have fun with it, and let your gallery wall evolve with your style and story.


What's the ideal gallery wall layout?

The ideal gallery wall layout depends on your space and personal preferences. Some prefer a symmetrical arrangement for a clean, organized look, while others enjoy an asymmetrical layout for a more dynamic feel. Consider the size and shape of your wall, the variety of frame sizes, and the overall aesthetic you're aiming for.

Can I mix different gallery wall styles?

Absolutely! Mixing different styles can add character and depth to your gallery wall. For instance, combining modern art with vintage pieces can create an intriguing contrast. Aim for a unifying element, like a consistent color scheme or frame style, to bring harmony to the overall look.

How can I arrange art without damaging walls?

For a damage-free arrangement, use adhesive hooks or picture hanging strips designed for wall art. These options provide flexibility for adjustments and are ideal for renters or those who frequently change decor.

What's the significance of frame and mat choices?

Frames and mats are crucial in enhancing and tying the artwork into the room's decor. They can either make the art stand out or blend it with the surroundings. Consider the color, material, and width of frames and mats and how they complement both the artwork and the room's style.

Are there tips for maintaining gallery wall balance?

To maintain balance, distribute the visual weight evenly across the wall. This can be achieved by mixing large and small pieces and varying their orientation. Also, consider the color and visual density of the artworks to avoid heavier-looking sections. Using a level during installation ensures a straight and balanced appearance.

Art included in photo (clockwise from left corner): Long Branch One by Kate RoebuckIn No Hurry by Faith TaylorLeaf Ink Drawing by Kate RoebuckBranch by Kate RoebuckStill Life with Dried Seed Pods by Becky AubryMovement II by Alison CauserBurnt Mountain by Matthew Moz BowersThe Afternoon Waned by Kelly WitmerClouds by Philine Van der VegteCabbage Still Life by Becky AubryBlue Stripes by Georgiana Paraschiv

Published on: January 10, 2024 Modified on: January 25, 2024 By: Artfully Walls

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